Unleashing luxury and exclusivity.

THC was created by passionate and experienced entrepreneurs, "hustlers", who wanted to combine the useful with the pleasant. We decided to put our business experience and our shared passion for automobiles, watches and pieces of furniture into one structure: THC. Our goal is to allow our customers to access vehicles and timepieces often difficult to obtain at reasonable times.

We offer different types of vehicles with a focus on high-end models and electric vehicles. We also use our network to find rare Swiss watchmaking pearls. We regularly offer exceptional products in stock but we mainly work on demand.

This quest for the exceptional, the useful, and the pleasant is a constant in our lives. We believe that life is meant to be fully lived, and that is why we created THC. We want to offer our customers unique and memorable experiences, whether it is by providing them with a dream vehicle or an exceptional watchmaking piece.

Our company reflects our commitment to excellence and our desire to combine utility and pleasure. We are proud of what we have accomplished so far and we are excited to continue sharing our passion with our customers.